microcosm, 2024
A web-based audiovisual artwork expressing the longing for wisdom, and the connection between inner and outer space.
Curated by Forever Projects / Foundation as part of the Under Neith exhibition.
Tools: three.js, GLSL, Web Audio, Typescript, Vite
Visuals: Johan Ismael
Audio: David Grunzweig
The visual composition of microcosm blends organic and structured elements. A series of fluid celestial bodies merge and dissolve against a more or less tangible grid representing the mental desire to grasp on things and label them. In terms of textural depth this project aims to combine painterly, pixel-based and cosmic aesthetics. As the visual style of microcosm developed, two artists came to mind as inspiration: Anselm Kiefer & Pierre Soulages. Specifically the sense of materiality that is felt in their work.